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  This page contains checklists of animals found within, nearby or that potentially occur within Uvalde County, Texas.  Current checklists include: Amphibians & Reptiles, Mammals and Hummingbirds.  Windows with interesting facts about certain animals have also been included.  Additional checklists will be added over time.
Amphibians & Reptiles
of Uvalde County, Texas

  The herpetofauna (amphibians & reptiles) of Texas is one the most varied and biodiverse of any State.  They range from alligators, salamanders and wetland species in the east to desert species such as Horned lizards and rattlesnakes in the west.  This checklist includes species that occur within, or in the vicinity of Uvalde County.  Additional species have been included that occur nearby or may be occasionally observed within the County.  
  Various species are active at different seasons of the year and at different temperatures or weather conditions.  This checklist may be used to document herpetofaunal species you observe in Uvalde County.

Special Note: A revised herpetofaunal checklist can be found in the "Herpetofaunal Studies" section of this website.  This new lists includes taxanomic changes over recent years. 

? Indicates the species may occur in the county or area.  




Kinosternidae (Mud & Musk turtles):

1) Yellow mud turtle - Kinosternon flavescens

?2) Mississippi Mud turtle - Kinosternon subrubrum hippocrepis

3) Stinkpot/Common Musk turtle - Sternotherus odoratus


Emydidae (Water & Box turtles):

?4) Texas Map turtle - Graptemys versa

5) Rio Grande cooter - Pseudemys gorzugi

6) Texas river cooter - Pseudemys texana

7) Ornate box turtle - Terrapene o. ornata

8) Red-eared slider - Trachemys scripta elegans


Chelydridae (Snapping turtles):

9) Common snapping turtle - Chelydra s. serpentina


Trionychidae (Softshell turtles):

10) Guadalupe spiny softshell turtle - Apalone spinifera guadalupensis


Testudinidae (Gopher tortoises):

11) Texas tortoise - Gopherus berlandieri



Anguidae (Legless Lizards):

?1) Texas Alligator Lizard - Gerrhonotus infernalis

?2) Western Slender Glass Lizard - Ophisaurus a. attenuatus


Polychrotidae (Anoles):

3) Green Anole - Anolis carolinensis


Crotaphytidae (Collared & Leopard Lizards):

4) Eastern Collared Lizard - Crotaphytus collaris

5) Reticulate Collared Lizard - Crotaphytus reticulatus


Gekkonidae (Geckos):

6) Texas Banded Gecko - Coleonyx brevis


Phrynosomatidae (Sand, Horned & Spiny Lizards):

7) Texas Greater Earless Lizard - Cophosaurus texanus

8) Southern Earless Lizard - Holbrookia lacerata subcaudalis

9) Texas Horned Lizard - Phrynosoma cornutum

?10) Roundtail Horned Lizard - Phrynosoma modestum

11) Sagebrush Lizard - Sceloporus graciosus

?12) Canyon Lizard - Sceloporus merriami

13) Texas Spiny Lizard - Sceloporus olivaceus

?14) Crevice Spiny Lizard - Sceloporus poinsettii

15) Blue Spiny Lizard - Sceloporus serrifer

16) Southern Prairie Lizard - Sceloporus undulatus consobrinus

17) Rosebelly Lizard - Sceloporus variabilis

18) Eastern/Texas Tree Lizard - Urosaurus o. ornatus


Scincidae (Skinks):

19) Great Plains Skink - Plestiodon obsoletus

20) Short-lined Skink - Plestiodon tetragrammus brevilineatus

21) Ground Skink - Scincella lateralis


Teiidae (Whiptails):

22) Texas Spotted Whiptail - Cnemidophorus gularis

?23) Trans-Pecos Striped Whiptail - Cnemidophorus inornatus heptagrammus

?24) Laredo Striped Whiptail - Cnemidophorus laredoensis

?25) Marbled Whiptail - Cnemidophorus marmoratus

26) Prairie Racerunner - Cnemidophorus sexlineatus viridis



Leptotyphlopidae (Blind Snakes):

1) Plains Blind Snake - Leptotyphlops d. dulcis

?2) Trans-Pecos Blind Snake - Leptotyphlops humilis segregus



3) Texas Glossy Snake - Arizona elegans arenicola

4) Trans-Pecos Rat Snake - Bogertophis subocularis

5) Eastern Yellowbelly Racer - Coluber constrictor flaviventris

6) Prairie Ringneck Snake - Diadophis punctatus arnyi

7) Texas Indigo Snake - Drymarchon corais erebennus

8) Baird's Rat Snake - Elaphe bairdi

9) Great Plains Rat Snake - Elaphe guttata emoryi

?10) Texas Rat Snake - Elaphe obsoleta lindheimeri

?11) Western Hooknose Snake - Gyalopion canum

12) Dusty Hognose Snake - Heterodon nasicus gloydi

13) Eastern Hognose Snake - Heterodon platirhinos

14) Texas Night Snake - Hypsiglena torquata jani

?15) Grey-Banded Kingsnake - Lampropeltis alterna

?16) Prairie Kingsnake - Lampropeltis c. calligaster

17) Desert Kingsnake - Lampropeltis getula splendida

18) Mexican Milk Snake - Lampropeltis triangulum annulata

19) Western Coachwhip - Masticophis flagellum testaceus

20) Schott's Whipsnake - Masticophis s. schotti

21) Central Texas Whipsnake - Masticophis taeniatus girardi

22) Blotched Water Snake - Nerodia erythrogaster transversa

23) Diamondback Water Snake - Nerodia rhombifer

24) Rough Green Snake - Opheodrys aestivus

25) Bull Snake - Pituophis catenifer sayi

26) Texas Longnose Snake - Rhinocheilus lecontei tessellatus

27) Texas Patchnose Snake - Salvadora grahamiae lineata

28) Ground Snake - Sonora semiannulata

29) Texas Brown Snake - Storeria dekayi texana

30) Flathead Snake - Tantilla gracilis

31) Southwestern Blackhead Snake - Tantilla hobartsmithi

32) Plains Blackhead Snake - Tantilla nigriceps

33) Eastern Blackneck Garter Snake - Thamnophis cyrtopsis ocellatus

34) Checkered Garter Snake - Thamnophis marcianus

35) Redstripe Ribbon Snake - Thamnophis proximus rubrilineatus

36) Texas Garter Snake - Thamnophis sirtalis annectens

37) Texas Lined Snake - Tropidoclonion lineatum texanum

38) Rough Earth Snake - Virginia striatula

?39) Western Earth Snake - Virginia valeriae



40) Texas Coral Snake - Micrurus fulvuis tenere


Viperidae (Vipers), Crotalinae (Pit-Vipers):

41) Broad-banded Copperhead - Agkistrodon contortrix laticinctus

42) Western Cottonmouth - Agkistrodon piscivorus leucostoma

43) Western Diamondback Rattlesnake - Crotalus atrox

44) Mottled Rock Rattlesnake - Crotalus l. lepidus

45) Northern Blacktail Rattlesnake - Crotalus m. molossus

Frogs & Toads:


Bufonidae (True Toads):

1) Eastern Green Toad – Bufo (Anaxyrus) d. debilis

2) Red-spotted Toad – Bufo (Anaxyrus) punctatus

3) Texas Toad - Bufo (Anaxyrus) speciosus

4) Gulf Coast Toad – Bufo(Ollotis) nebulifer


Hylidae (Treefrogs):

5) Blanchard’s Cricket Frog - Acris crepitans blanchardi

6) Cope's Gray Treefrog  Hyla chrysoscelis

?7) Green Treefrog - Hyla cinerea

8) Spotted Chorus Frog - Pseudacris clarkii

?9) Strecker's Chorus Frog - Pseudacris streckeri


Leptodactylidae (Tropical Frogs):

10) Eastern Barking Frog - Eleutherodactylus augusti

11) Cliff Chirping Frog - Eleutherodactylus marnockii


Microhylidae (Narrowmouth Toads):

12) Great Plains Narrowmouth Toad - Gastrophryne olivacea


Pelobatidae (Spadefoot Toads):

13) Couch's Spadefoot Toad - Scaphiopus couchii


Ranidae (True Frogs):

14) Rio Grande Leopard Frog - Rana berlandieri

15) Bullfrog - Rana catesbeiana




?1) Rio Grande Lesser Siren – Siren intermedia texana


Ambystomatidae (Mole Salamanders):

?2) Eastern Tiger Salamander - Ambystoma t. tigrinum


Plethodontidae (Lungless Salamanders):

?3) Cascade Caverns Salamander - Eurycea latitans

4) Texas Salamander - Eurycea neotenes

5) Valdina Farms Salamander - Eurycea troglodytes

6) Western Slimy Salamander - Plethodon albagula

Exotics/Non-native species:


Gekkonidae (Geckos):

1) Mediterranean Gecko - Hemidactylus turcicus


Turtles: 11, Lizards: 26, Snakes: 45, Salamanders: 6, Frogs: 15, Exotics: 1. 

Total = 104 species of herpetofauna in Uvalde County!




A Field Guide to Reptiles and Amphibians of Texas.  Judith M. Garrett & David G. Barker.  1987.  Texas Monthly Press.


Herps of Texas.  2013.  www.herpsoftexas.org/


Peterson Field Guides.  Reptiles and Amphibians Eastern/Central North America.    Roger Conant & Joseph T. Collins.  1998.  Third edition, expanded.  Houghton Mifflin.


Rare, Threatened & Endangered Species by County.  Texas Parks & Wildlife.  2013.  www.tpwd.state.tx.us/landwater/land/maps/gis/ris/endangered_species/


Standard Common and Current Scientific Names for North American Amphibians, Turtles, Reptiles & Crocodilians.  6th edition.  Joseph T. Collins & Travis W. Taggart.  2009.  The Center for North American Herpetology. 


The Snakes of Texas.  Alan Tennant.  1984.  Texas Monthly Press.
Mammals of Uvalde County, Texas

  Mammals residing in Uvalde County, Texas are quit varied and diverse.  They range from a variety of rodents, rabbits, skunks, weasels, raccoons, badgers, porcupines, deer, a variety of bats and many more.
  Various species play different roles in ecosystems and some are beneficial to the environment and humans.  For example, bats are extremely beneficial to humans and agriculture because one bat can consume up to 3,000 insects in one night!  Bats also consume insects that carry dangerous diseases such as West Nile virus.  When the balance of nature is offset by human activities some species can be harmful in ecosystems, detrimental to agricultural crops and potentially dangerous to humans.  For example, when rodent populations increase they can consume tons of crops, carry disease and cause fires by chewing on electrical wiring in buildings.  Exotic, or non-native species, often present as a result of human activities, can also greatly alter the balance of nature.  For example, feral pigs consume thousands of small, native animals and are extremely destructive to ecosystems.
  This checklist can be used to document Mammals you observe in Uvalde County.  Some species can be easily observed, such as squirrels and rabbits.  Other species are very secretive or nocturnal and are rarely seen by humans (like weasels).  Some species leave signs of their presence, such as tracks or mark their territory by leaving clues such as scratches, scat or various musk and odors (i.e., bobcats, foxes, skunks, bears & coyotes).  Good luck in your Mammal observations!

? Indicates a species that may occur in the county or area
X Indicates the species is non-native or introduced
(Not all possible exotic species have been included, such as several possible rodents).

1) Virginia Opossum, Didelphis virginiana

2) Least Shrew, Cryptotis parva

3) Desert Shrew Notiosorex crawfordi

4) ? Eastern Mole, Scalopus aquaticus

5) X Nine-banded Armadillo, Dasypus novemcinctus

6) Desert Cottontail, Sylvilagus audubonii

7) Eastern Cottontail, Sylvilagus floridanus

8) Black-tailed Jackrabbit, Lepus californicus

9) Mexican Ground Squirrel, Spermophilus mexicanus

10) Spotted Ground Squirrel, Spermophilus spilosoma

11) Rock Squirrel, Spermophilus variegatus

12) Black-tailed Prairie Dog, Cynomys ludovicianus

13) Eastern Fox Squirrel, Sciurus niger

14) Botta’s Pocket Gopher, Thomomys bottae

15) Llano Pocket Gopher, Geomys texensis

16) Merriam’s Pocket Mouse, Perognathus merriami

17) Hispid Pocket Mouse, Chaetodipus hispidus

18) ? Nelson's Pocket Mouse, Chaetodipus nelsoni

19) American Beaver, Castor Canadensis

20) Fulvous Harvest Mouse, Reithrodontomys fulvescens

21) Plains Harvest Mouse, Reithrodontomys montanus

22) Texas Mouse, Peromyscus attwateri

23) White-footed Mouse, Peromyscus leucopus

24) Deer Mouse, Peromyscus maniculatus

25) White-ankled Mouse, Peromyscus pectoralis

26) Northern Pygmy Mouse, Baiomys taylori

27) Northern Grasshopper Mouse, Onychomys leucogaster

28) Hispid Cotton Rat, Sigmodon hispidus

29) White-throated Woodrat, Neotoma albigula

30) ? Eastern Woodrat, Neotoma floridana

31) Southern Plains Woodrat, Neotoma micropus

32) ? Gulf Coast Kangaroo Rat, Dipodomys compactus

33) ? Ord's Kangaroo Rat, Dipodomys ordii

34) ? Woodland Vole, Microtus pinetorum

35) Porcupine, Erethizon dorsatum 


36) X Nutria, Myocastor coypus

37) X Coyote, Canis latrans

38) ? X Red Fox, Vulpes vulpes

39) Common Gray Fox, Urocyon cinereoargenteus

40) ? Black Bear, Ursus americanus

41) Ringtail, Bassariscus astutus

42) Common Raccoon, Procyon lotor

43) Long-tailed Weasel, Mustela frenata

44) American Badger, Taxidea taxus

45) White-nosed Coati, Nasua narica

46) Western Spotted Skunk, Spilogale gracilis

47) ? Eastern Spotted Skunk, Spilogale putorius

48) Striped Skunk, Mephitis mephitis

49) Common Hog-nosed Skunk, Conepatus mesoleucus

50) Mountain Lion, Felis concolor

51) Ocelot, Felis pardalis

52) Bobcat, Lynx rufus

53) ? Collared Peccary, Tayassu tajacu

54) White-tailed Deer, Odocoileus virginianus

55) ? Pronghorn, Antilocapra americana

56) Cave Myotis, Myotis velifer

57) ? Yuma Myotis, Myotis yumanensis

58) Silver-haired Bat, Lasionycteris noctivagans

59) Ghost-faced Bat, Mormoops megalophylla

60) Western Pipistrelle, Pipistrellus hesperus

61) Eastern Pipistrelle, Pipistrellus subflavus

62) ? Townsend's Big-eared Bat, Plecotus townsendii

63) Eastern Red Bat, Lasiurus borealis

64) Hoary Bat, Lasiurus cinereus

65) Evening Bat, Nycticeius humeralis

66) Big Free-tailed Bat, Nyctinomops macrotis

67) Pallid Bat, Antrozous pallidus

68) Brazilian Free-tailed Bat, Tadarida brasiliensis
Hummingbirds of Uvalde County, Texas

? Indicates the species may occur in Uvalde County

1) ? Allen’s - Selasphorus sasin

2) Anna’s - Calypte anna

3) Black-Chinned - Archilochus alexandri

4) Blue-Throated - Lampornis clemenciae

5) Broad-Billed - Cynanthus latirostris

6) Broad-Tailed - Selasphorus platycercus

7) Buff-Bellied - Amazilia yucatanensis

8) ? Calliope - Stellula calliope

9) ? Green-Breasted Mango - Anthracothorax prevostii

10) Green Violet-Ear - Colibri thalassinus

11) Lucifer - Calothorax lucifer

12) Ruby-Throated - Archilochus colubris

13) Rufous - Selasphorus rufus

14) ? Violet-Crowned - Amazilia violiceps

15) ? White-Eared - Hylocharis leucotis

Pg. 6: Rare & Endangered Species